Simon Ludgate

The origins of Simon’s unique ability go back though his soul connection to many past lives. He rediscovered a knack in his current life for “ghost busting” a decade ago when he began to investigate places. His Reiki healing clients often identify what they correctly sense is an attachment by another entity or something put on them – a “curse” – or a hangover from a previous life. This attachment sometimes leads back to the place where the client lives and form the basis for a forensic investigation of the complex energies responsible.

Simon's Bio
S imon has a background in journalism and in tv directing documentaries which has led him all over the world to meet many fascinating, insightful teachers who nourished his natural ability and encouraged him to follow a parallel course as first a shamanic healer then an exorcist or space clearer.
What Simon isn’t is a kaftan-wearing eccentric who you can hear coming before they arrive from all the rattling bangles and ceremonial bones. He is an authentic exorcist who confronts and banishes all manner of unwanted entities to the delight of hundreds of clients.
The range of his work is huge and his clients vary enormously both circumstantially and geographically. He has travelled around the world extensively so the location and nature of the challenge does not faze him.
In his work, he has found himself confronting some very powerful demons who are very artful at hiding and reluctant in the extreme to release their grip on a property and its occupants but he has the ability to remove them and most importantly safely. Although the context for his work is often quite dark and spiritually hazardous, Simon is blessed with a very powerful natural protection from the angelic realm, his spirit guides and other sources of protection and guidance.
He, and most importantly, his clients, always sleep soundly after the process is over and the sun metaphorically shines again and the birds start to sing.
Simon has written two books “The Accidental Wizard” and “Gabriel’s Lyre”. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Confederation of Healing Organisations which promotes healing and wellness.

Tibetan Phurbas

Ancient culture – Sumerian/Annunaki